[MacDV] Is this list still alive?

Patty Winter patty1 at sonic.net
Wed Jul 13 09:03:19 PDT 2011

   >From: Alan Carvalho <ma501guy at aol.com>
   >I now am CLEAR about WHY this newsgroup has gone DEFUNCT!  The issues discussed have NOTHING to do with Macs or DV tape, or anything but political banter and bull crap!  I guess this magnifies the fact that THIS group really IS DEAD!

The list isn't dead--although someone mentioned the new FCP, and I'm
sure there are vigorous discussions of that going on elsewhere. People 
pop up here occasionally to ask questions, and most of the time they 
get responses. It's just one person who decided in the past couple of 
days to start spewing political rants.


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