In praise of Apple, Patience, and Exciting Times

Scott Jacob Loehr scott.loehr at
Fri Jan 31 06:37:11 PST 2003

	Greetings!  I apologize if my previous post raised an eyebrow 
or three.  Most of my friends tolerate my near-rabid enthusiasm for 
my Macs, and I always keep an antenna tuned for opportunities to 
promote Apple.  I've converted my niece and my girlfriend from their 
peecees, and it only took inviting them over to watch me do what they 
needed done for a couple of art & writing projects that they didn't 
intuitively know how to do on their machines.  I jumped on OSX as 
soon as I could, and I've got Jaguar, but I won't fully commit to it 
until all my music apps are native.  Call me paranoid, but when a 
project is on the line, I don't want to beta-test software on a 
client's nickel.  Granted, my biggest test of patience is MOTU, but 
for me, it'll be worth the wait, rather than switching programs.  The 
upside is that I can certainly do whatever I've needed to do thus far 
with OS9, both in Digital Performer and in Quark (I use it for all my 
CD artwork masters; my local replication facility happily accepts my 
Mac CD-ROM of Quark & Photoshop files, and the suprises are ocurring 
less and less with each project).  Am I a holdout?  Perhaps.  Am I 
salivating about the future?  You bet.  Perhaps this old man (I turn 
43 on 2/12) isn't in the biggest hurry, but I'm truly thankful for 
occasional struggles with patience.  Case in point:  I had nearly 
relegated myself to the dreadful thought of buying a peecee to run 
Giga libraries.  Glad I waited.  I bought Kontakt and I'm all excited 
again.  Of course, now that I've heard about MOTU's Mach 5, I'm 
kindof going, "D'OH!", but Kontakt will let me work NOW with Giga 
files.  I just got an eMail yesterday from Native Instruments:

    KONTAKT "Direct From Disk" and Update 1.2

    Dear KONTAKT users,

    The KONTAKT Update 1.2 for Mac and PC and the much-
    anticipated "Direct From Disk" extension are now
    available online for download.

    With Direct From Disk KONTAKT can play samples
    directly from the hard drive, allowing you to load
    huge sample libraries without eating up RAM.

	As for 2004, I think it will be a Very Good Year indeed, what 
with the new IBM chips that will give Motorola quite a run for 
Apple's money.  The new PowerMacs jolted me quite a bit... a 
significant speed increase in the top model, AND a $500 price 
drop?!?!?  NOW we're talking!!!  $1500 lower on the 23" Cinema HD 
Display?  Man, these guys are gonna get ALL my money.  Just when I 
thought it was safe to think about buying a Disklavier.  Looks like 
my 1928 Conover 6' grand will retain its roost.

Scott Jacob Loehr

>You're right Scott. My bad. I knew there was some reason I was 
>trying to be Mr. Tolerant. Because Apple doesn't have their Audio 
>stuff together at all. Excuse me. I wonder if it will even be 
>together by 2004.
>On Thursday, January 30, 2003, at 11:08  PM, Scott Jacob Loehr wrote:
>>Maybe I missed something, but I thought we were talking about Mac 
>>Pro Audio.  OSX is still the only occasionally functional new kid 
>>on the audio block.  Granted, it's the future, but it doesn't pay 
>>the bills for everybody in the present.

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