[MV] Gibberish issues ...

Chuck Rogers theChuck at mac.com
Tue Dec 10 13:11:39 PST 2002

Dave (and everyone else):

You wouldn't be filling up RAM because the speech engine translates 
sounds to text, then spits it out. What the engine would do is attempt 
to make the closest match it could to what it thinks it is hearing and 
output the result to the speakpad or active application. If, for some 
reason, the active application was not excepting text, the output would 
just trail off - or it could have an unexpected result (such as 
selecting files and folders in the Finder).

That having been said, there is always the possibility of either 
program crashing for programmatical reasons, but I wouldn't worry about 
forgetting to turn off the mic, other than the effect it might have on 
an open document.

Best Regards,

Chuck Rogers

On Tuesday, December 10, 2002, at 02:39  PM, Domains4Days.com wrote:

>  I'm curious what happens when you accidentally leave the VoiceCenter 
> in its
> active state ( non sleep) and set the headset to down on a table in a 
> noisy
> room  for a period of time.  Basically I'm curious if it would be 
> collecting
> data  the whole time it - and filling up its RAM memory - and possibly
> creating a situation where it could crash at some point .
> ( I understand that if it thinks its hearing commands it will attempt 
> to
> execute commands and if you're  working on a text file it will tend to 
> write
> gibberish...  I'm just concerned with the fact that it might  be 
> setting up
> a crash situation or not...)
> -  also assuming in 3.0 that you were able to update your voice model  
> after
> it had collected enough data ( ....Instead of the ViaVoice bug that 
> will not
> allow this at the present time...) - with all the gibberish noises end 
> up
> destroying your voice model?
> -- 
> RevDave
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