[MV] Re: taking the plunge (2)

Brian Farley pwi at vzpacifica.net
Sat Feb 1 17:37:58 PST 2003

On Sunday, February 2, 2003, at 09:12 am, Jonathan Greene wrote:

> I was successful in removing all VV files manually and done a new 
> clean install.  My problem at the moment is getting my system to work 
> with the mic.  I can't get past the set-up.  When it checks the room, 
> I can see the meter move and same when I try to read that first test 
> sentence....  I keep getting the mic not connected bs, and can't 
> figure out why.

Have you checked your setup in the "Sound Preferences" in the System 
Preferenes? This has been the source for some "not connected" problems 
discovered by others.


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