[MV] Re: problem with reinstall

Jonathan Greene jonathan.greene at eurorscg.com
Mon Feb 24 13:31:01 PST 2003

do a search on your system as well for IBM and ViaVoice after the 
uninstall.  I had to do a clean install to get it to work again...

On Monday, February 24, 2003, at 02:50 PM, Randy Decker wrote:

> There was an app that came with VV to uninstall it. You need to run it 
> to get rid of all the files and then reinstall.
> On Monday, February 24, 2003, at 10:39  AM, Karen Johnston wrote:
>> I've used the finder to try to ditch all files relevant by searching 
>> for
>> IBM.  When I try to install VV now, either one, it shows speakpad, 
>> register,
>> and setup as folders rather than icons, and says there is no default 
>> appp
>> specified to open the document " IBM speakpad."  ideas?

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