[MV] Re: problem with reinstall

Randy Decker randydecker at mac.com
Mon Feb 24 11:50:10 PST 2003

There was an app that came with VV to uninstall it. You need to run it 
to get rid of all the files and then reinstall.
On Monday, February 24, 2003, at 10:39  AM, Karen Johnston wrote:

> I've used the finder to try to ditch all files relevant by searching 
> for
> IBM.  When I try to install VV now, either one, it shows speakpad, 
> register,
> and setup as folders rather than icons, and says there is no default 
> appp
> specified to open the document " IBM speakpad."  ideas?

visit me at http://randy.is.dreaming.org

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