[MV] Re: ViaVoice update 3.02

Richard Bullen newsupdate at attbi.com
Fri Jan 3 16:28:50 PST 2003

-----Original Message from John Melby on 1/3/03 9:31 AM---

>> I downloaded and ran the updater and everything appears to work fine.
>> However, when I checked the version number on the voice center it still
>> indicates version 3.0, as does the SpeakPad application.  I suspect
>> this is
>> due to the fact that the release number only goes to the first decimal
>> place. Nonetheless I suspicious about whether the update was
>> successful.
>> Are there any users who have updated and can see the version as 3.0.2?
>> Richard Bullen
> I've just checked it, and though all of the components on my machine
> show up as v 3.0, they all have a modification date of December 10,
> 2002--so I assume that the version is 3.0.2.

Interesting my system shows the modification date as the end of October
2002, which is when it was installed.
I ran the updater a second time and restarted and still no change.

I'm still learning my way around OSX, does anyone have any suggestions as to
what might cause the discrepancy. Based on the modification date it would
appear the installer is not updating the software.

Richard Bullen

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