[MV] Re: OS X 10.2.3 and VV update

Camner camner at iname.com
Tue Jan 21 22:25:29 PST 2003

I was planning on moving over my user from my previous machine (a G3
clamshell iBook running 10.2.1--which, in turn, was the user I first created
under OS 10.1.4).  Any reason I shouldn't?  (I haven't been allowing the
voice model to update since moving to 10.2).

on 1/21/03 9:48 PM, T. Patrick Henebry at tphenebry at comcast.net wrote:

>> I am the proud owner of a new G4 dual 867, which came shipped with OS X
>> 10.2.1.  I need to:
>> a) upgrade to 10.2.3 and
>> b) install ViaVoice on the machine and
>> c) install the VV update
>> Any thoughts out there about what order I should do these three steps?  (I
>> will take advice given here and download the 10.2.3 combo updater rather
>> than using software update).
> I have not had any problems with the ViaVoice update even though it
> was installed after 10.2.3 and IBM only officially supports it up
> through 10.2.2 (meaning that's the last version they tested it with).
> Trust me, crating a user in ViaVoice without the update from IBM
> installed is very difficult because of poor accuracy.
> However, to be absolutely safe I would do the following:
> a) install ViaVoice, but *don't* create a user
> b) install the ViaVoice update
> c) upgrade to 10.2.3
> Then go ahead and create a user in ViaVoice.

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