[MV] Re: making changes

T. Patrick Henebry tphenebry at comcast.net
Tue Jul 1 12:49:27 PDT 2003

On 7/1/03 1:28 PM, "Michael Gherrity" <mike at gherrity.org> wrote:

>> Michael,
>> if I change the paragraph by adding the new phrase and deleting the
>> old, how does ViaVoice know that I simply changed my mind rather than
>> correct a dictation error? What is the right way to make this kind of
>> change?
>> By highlighting a phrase and deleting it the acoustic information and
>> training is also deleted.
> OK.  I don't want to belabor the point here, but suppose I open the
> correction window and pick a phrase that mostly matches what I said
> except for one word.  I then delete that word.  Would this confuse the
> ViaVoice training?

Quite likely. The documentation says voice profiles are updated each time
you use the correction window. (This may have been in the online help rather
than the manual.) In fact you are told correction is not editing and not to
use correction for editing.

There are two possible ways to make editing changes that won't confuse the

1) Select the text to be changed, delete it (which erases the associated
audio data), and then dictate the new text.

2) select the text dictate the new text (this replaces the old audio data
with new data associated with the new text).

DO NOT use the correction window to make editing changes.
T. Patrick Henebry
tphenebry at comcast.net

Sent using the Entourage X Test Drive.

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