[MV] iListen v1.6 setup

Donald MacCormick donald.maccormick at macspeech.com
Sat Jun 7 00:42:12 PDT 2003


The problem is the microphone, iListen doesn't support the Andreas - they do
not deliver enough gain to be used with iListen on Mac OS X.

Supported microphone/headset for iListen include:

-   Griffin iMic/VXi Parrot Translator
-   Telex H 841
-   Telex H 851

I'm not sure what effect your Hub may play in the process, I know that the
Griffin Audio Hubs have been tested and work well. I fear the hub you are
using may be contributing to the poor level of audio as well. Simple test is
to take the hub out of the picture and connect your headset directly to a
USB port on your Mac.

For additional info drop a line to questions at macspeech.com.

Hope this helps,



On 6/7/03 1:51 AM, "Michael Gherrity" <mike at gherrity.org> wrote:

> Hi,
> I am trying to get ilisten version 1.6 to work on my Mac.  I have been
> using ViaVoice for about nine months, so I know my microphone setup
> works fine.  When I try to set a new user profile in ilisten it takes
> me to the microphone setup section.  In that section, I am required to
> read a paragraph and have ilisten set the volume of the microphone.
> That is what I think is supposed to be happening.  However, I can't get
> past this paragraph.  I get a fluctuating yellow and green volume bar
> during the first sentence, but then after that it turns yellow and
> stays fluctuating yellow for the rest of the paragraph.  I can read
> this paragraph over and over again and the bar stays yellow and I can
> never leave this section.  What is wrong?
> G4 933 Mhz, 1 GB Ram
> Jaguar Mac OS X 10.2.6
> Buddy Gooseneck (non USB) mic
> Andrea USB sound pod
> Belkin USB 4-port hub
> mike
> --
> Michael Gherrity
> mike at gherrity.org
> http://www.gherrity.org

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