[MV] Problem creating application specific command for FireFox

Wyldceltic1 wyldceltic1 at mac.com
Sun Aug 28 12:32:41 PDT 2005

IMO, It's nice to see a communication showing an issue is in fact  
being discussed. Many times we're told "Yeah, yeah, We're looking  
into it..." but when we hear nothing ever again it seems to the end  
user that sometimes nothing is being done about a feedback. So at  
least we know the chatter is on, and the issue is being discussed  
among the 'brains' <G>

"Vista" is an acronym for the top 5 troubles in Windoze:
Viruses, Infections, Spyware, Trojans and Adware.  <G>

<wyldceltic1 at mac.com>

On Aug 28, 2005, at 12:19 PM, T.Patrick Henebry wrote:

> To all:
> Sorry about the previous post. That was meant to be internal  
> (mistakes do happen to the best of us sometimes).
> Having said that I can tell you as one who has written commands in  
> both NaturallySpeaking and iListen that it is easier to do in iListen.

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