[MV] speech to text french-able applicaiton

Chuck Rogers chuck.rogers at macspeech.com
Sat Feb 19 07:25:55 PST 2005

Jean-Christophe (and everyone else):

There is no French dictation software for the Mac. Our product, 
iListen, supports US, UK. and Australian/New Zealand English, German, 
and Italian. Later this year we hope to be coming out with Spanish.

We initially announced we intended to support French, but early on 
discovered that the laws in France make it almost impossible for a 
US-only company to sell software there. Without France as a 
marketplace, there would not be enough sales to sustain the development 
and support of a French product.

But even if there were a French dictation product, you would be out of 
luck. MP3 files do not contain enough audio information for speech 
recognition. The format is optimized for compression of music. Applying 
that compression to spoken word renders the recorded speech unusable to 
the speech engine.

Best Regards,

Chuck Rogers, Chief Evangelist
MacSpeech, Inc.

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