SR comparisons, was:Re: [MV] IBM ViaVoice 3 and 10.4.7

Jonathan Levi, M.D. drjlevi at
Sat Sep 2 07:18:26 PDT 2006

At 7:08 AM -0500 9/2/06, Paul Spilseth wrote:
>I would like to use iListen, but ViaVoice has a medical dictionary 
>that I need.
>Paul Spilseth, MD

Ditto, except that my medical dictionary (about 1,000 words and 
macros) has been created by me, and is still a work in progress. 
Presumably iListen allows the creation of a custom vocabulary (if 
not, that's a capacity you must run, not walk, to add) but I'm 
apprehensive, I think for obvious reasons, about recreating that 
vocabulary. --Jonathan

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