[MV] IBM ViaVoice 3 and 10.4.7

Chuck Rogers chuck.rogers at macspeech.com
Sun Sep 3 18:49:45 PDT 2006

Robert (and everyone else):

Many years ago we offered a trial version and found a perplexing the  
number that did not turn into sales. It was way out of whack from  
what it should have been. We later learned (well, not too much later  
- it didn't take long for us to figure this out) that most people  
were using either their built-in microphone or a mic not well-suited  
for speech recognition on the Mac.

For instance, IBM wrote a special sound driver to compensate for the  
fact that the microphones they shipped on the PC side didn't work  
well for speech recognition on the Mac side. This is because Macs  
want a signal strength that is about 10db stronger than Windows. It  
is this special sound driver that causes all the angst for ViaVoice  
users, and is the primary reason so many people can't get it to work  
at all.

We don't do that. We insist the software work with what god (in this  
case, Apple) gave us. That way, we don't have to worry about the OS  
breaking our sound input every time we turn around. (No, they find  
ways to break us in all sorts of other ways - but I digress.) This is  
why we do not offer technical support for accuracy issues unless the  
customer is using a microphone we have certified.

OK - back to your real issue. We do the next best thing. EVERYONE who  
purchases iListen has 30 days to try it out. If it doesn't meet their  
expectations, they can return it, subject to the following conditions:

1). It must be in like new condition.

2). There is a $15 restocking fee since by law we have to replace the  
windscreen and the earpiece cover.

3). You must contact our tech support department at  
"questions at macspeech.com" in order to see if they can resolve the  
issue you are having.

We make the following assumptions regarding our product: you bought  
it because you want it to work, and no matter how easy we attempt to  
make it, it will ALWAYS be subject to more outside variables than any  
other software you will use. All we want is a fair chance to address  
those variables. If you still aren't satisfied, we are happy to  
refund your money.

Best Regards,

Chuck Rogers

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