[MV] Voice recognition for transcription: Opinions sought

Rena Bussinger mail at thestoryfoundry.com
Wed Feb 21 20:31:29 PST 2007

I am a Mac user and completely new to voice recognition software on  
any platform. I do a lot of transcription of voice recordings, and am  
interested in experimenting with using software to help minimize my  
workload. I understand that the software must be trained to recognize  
a speaker's unique voice and that ongoing training of the software is  
necessary to improve the accuracy of the translation over time.

Here's what I'm wondering: How involved is the initial training  
process? I am producing my voice recordings from personal history  
interviews with subjects who are active and willing participants.  
Would it be feasible to create a speaker profile for each of my  
interview subjects, have them go through the initial voice training  
process (on my laptop) and then playback their recorded audio with  
iListen or DNS/Parallels active? If anyone has any experience using  
either program for a similar purpose or to transcribe your own voice  
memos/speeches/performances/etc. I'd be very interested in the  
details of your process and how successful it is. My transcriptions  
are primarily for reference/editing purposes so complete accuracy is  
not as important as just having a rough text version of the audio  
that I then edit extensively anyway.

Any feedback is appreciated.

Rena Bussinger

The Story Foundry
We Make History. (Yours.)

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