[MV] Re: macspeech vs dns

Chuck Rogers chuck.rogers at macspeech.com
Wed Sep 19 19:13:33 PDT 2007

Michael (and everyone else):

All I can say is that the Correction method we use is one of the more  
polarizing aspects of iListen - of that there can be no doubt. But  
for every person who hates it there is another that loves it. And our  
sales keep increasing, so obviously it doesn't turn off everyone.

I have challenged people to show me how Dragon is better in terms of  
time, and, at least compared to iListen 1.7 (which you admit you have  
not tried), I always beat them when Correcting one word or several -  
and I am not even a hard core user of the program for dictation (i  
use it mostly for commands).

The one thing I will tell you is this: we have been listening. We  
have one prevailing mandate with iListen. It absolutely MUST dictate  
and allow you to Correct no matter what application you are in. The  
only exception to that would be if the target application does not  
conform to Apple's guidelines and we can't type into it at all. (So  
far, the only one we absolutely know of is AOL.)

We are working on new ways to approach the problem, but we have  
nothing we are happy enough with to even show it to beta testers at  
this point. It is definitely a work in progress, and when we have  
something WE think works for us, we'll unleash it on our beta testers  
to see what they think of it.

Best Regards,

Chuck Rogers, Chief Evangelist
MacSpeech, Inc.

On Sep 19, 2007, at 2:45 PM, M Young wrote:

> I am responding to two email post concepts, because they are  
> related for my purposes. They are about the issue of TIME.

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