[MV] MacSpeech Dictate 1.5.1 is out (sent again)

cool at hosting4days.com cool at hosting4days.com
Tue Sep 15 16:46:57 PDT 2009

Let's see if the list is finally working again....

(this was first sent on 7-14 but returned - I'll try again...)

On Jul 3, 2009, at 6:26 AM, Valerie Maples wrote:

>  I would
> be glad to answer any questions you To the best of my ability.

Thank you Valerie ( and everybody else who responded)

  first of all -- I would like to state that for me, the Macvoice  
listserver was not working for several months. That's what I kept  
sending e-mails and they appeared weeks later if at all. Apparently  
things are working better now.

Currently I am using Dictate version 1.3

- my biggest issue is that when I attempt to work with the dictate  
notepad, I will dictate some text, and then if I try to do any   
manual typing -- the text will always type backwards at that location.

  Example:  if I manually type 'rat' -  it will type 'tar'

-  also if I place the cursor somewhere -- an attempt to hit return  
-- very often it will turn the text to gobbledygook in that area...

  it always does this

On Jul 3, 2009, at 2:16 PM, Chuck Rogers wrote:

> I never saw the problem myself, but I have heard from several  
> people that it no longer happens for them.

  hi Chuck -- interesting that you never saw this problem since it  
happens to me every single time...  are you saying that when you used  
version 1.3 -  it did not do this -  or maybe you never tried it?


Anyway -  that is a big drag -- because I am accustomed to working  
fast -- as I did easily in ViaVoice -  and I will dictate most of the  
text but do manual additions and modifications by hand for the sake  
of speed. Trying to navigate around the document by using manual  
dictation was very slow and never interested me at all.

  so my biggest question is that:  has this been fixed at all in  
version 1.5?

Q:  can you now dictate text  in to dictate notepad -- then manually  
place the cursor anywhere -  make whatever modifications you desire  
-- and then put the cursor -  anywhere and continued dictating?

BTW:  all this works absolutely fine outside of the Dictate notepad  
-- however the giant drawback is that you can't use any of the good  
functionality that they have inside of Dictate Notepad.

  for example -  for me it is important to be able to look back on  
the text -  highlight a section that does not look right -- and  
playback my real voice -  to see what I said -  and then repaired the  
errors ( may be even by hand or through dictation).

  So ultimately it would be much better if Dictate Notepad could do  
the basics that ViaVoice notepad did years ago.

-  aside from that big drawback -- I am very impressed with the  
basic  speech recognition of this new product...  but before I  
upgrade I would like to know if the notepad typing issue has been  

  thanks for your help -- Dave

cool at hosting4days.com

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