[MV] Headsets and bluetooth adapters

David Whiteman davidbw at mac.com
Sun Oct 30 17:43:12 PDT 2011

Are there any microphones that are two way, instead of one way?  I presume
that the Samson is one way as it is only a microphone.  I would like to
have the text read to me via an earpiece, or equivalent as well as having a
wireless microphone.  Can you use both the Samson and/or Revolabs device,
as well as having a Bluetooth earpiece for listening.  Since the audio too
the Mac is at a higher quality the dictation should not suffer, and I doubt
I need as high quality for listening to the transcription back.

On Sun, Oct 30, 2011 at 12:04 AM, Chuck Rogers <thechuck at mac.com> wrote:

> I've used all the ones you list, and would NOT recommend the Calisto. I
> took the Samson with me when I was doing demos in Apple stores for
> MacSpeech and loved it. In a quiet environment, I found the Revolabs xTag
> to be almost as accurate (and it is more comfortable since nothing goes on
> your head). You may also want to look at the Sennheiser DW Pro-1 or DW
> Pro-2. I have not used the Sennheisers but they are highly rated.
> There is some excellent info on wireless microphones at
> http://speechrecsolutions.com/microphone_selection_guide.htm#wireless.
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