[Ti] Keyboard marks screen

Michael Bigley wakinyan at fuse.net
Wed Dec 4 07:43:02 PST 2002

>  >> Off I go to get a piece of chamois... what else do people use?
>I just use a blank sheet of 8 1/2 x 11 paper...  Cheap and it works

I agree...and a few words about leather (which a true chamois is):

Leather = animal skin.  The process of making skin soft and pliable 
requires harsh chemicals (hides in their "natural" state are rawhide, 
aka dog chew treats, drum heads, etc.).  Leather also contains oils, 
and most commercial leathers contain dyes.  All of these have a 
potential of leeching onto the plastic covering the screen as well as 
the paint and metal surrounding, especially when you add the element 
of heat.

I have no evidence that this has actually happened, but as one who 
has actually tanned hides in the past, the risk seems extremely high.
Mike Bigley                Maineville, Ohio
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