[Ti] Rubber bumps, again

jason tertadian haiku23 at mac.com
Mon Dec 9 09:50:30 PST 2002

On 12/8/02 11:44 PM, "Gerry Orkin" <gerryo at bigpond.net.au> wrote:

> Hi all
> Can someone please re-post the brand and product code of those little
> rubber things being used to raise the screen a little when the TiBook
> is closed?

Gerry ...

I've been using a WildEepz Powerbook Cushionz for a few months now and I
have to say they are totally worth the $10.  I wish I would have invested in
these as soon as I got my Ti because I may have avoided the nasty scratches
on my LCD from the edge of the trackpad indention.

Anyway, here's the main URL:

And one to a review on O'Grady's Powerpage:

jason tertadian
 . jt111 at tds.net
 . http://www.potzer.net

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