[Ti] Does not compute!

Kynan Shook kshook at mac.com
Tue Dec 10 22:57:52 PST 2002

You are not "allowed" to run System 6 because it is not aware of the 
existence of IDE, PCI, AGP, the PowerPC architecture and machine 
language, and just about everything else that the computer is based on. 
  In the latest model of G4 tower, the ATA 100 bus is not completely 
supported in OS 9.  This is because the time that it takes to write the 
software to support hardware is usually significantly greater than the 
time it takes to make the hardware itself.

Not every revision has such major changes, but every revision has lots 
of tiny adjustments; whether a different power management circuit, a 
new system controller, a different revision of the processor, etc.  
Rewriting the OS to be as efficient as possible for all the various 
revisions over the years is not a minor job.

On Tuesday, December 10, 2002, at 10:58  PM, PowerBook G4 Titanium List 

> correct me if I am wrong, but why did Jobs turn into Gates? If I get an
> IBM compatible computer today I should be able to instal and run DOS,
> and only DOS, on it if I want. Again, correct me if I am wrong, because
> I have not done so and I don't know for sure. With my Ti I am forced to
> use anything newer than System 9. Even if I much rather prefer the b/w
> graphics, the hardrive and RAM savings, and possible speed improvements
> of System 6 on a Titanium, I am not "allowed" to do so. In this sense
> its not Jobs who is malicious, it is, and has always been, Appel
> philosophy to force its customers to use the latest and greatest, even
> if they have not he slightest interest in doing so.

Kynan Shook
kshook at mac.com

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