[Ti] Web browsers (was AOL!)

Seymour J. Wolfson wolfson at wayne.edu
Sat Dec 14 14:25:50 PST 2002

>Indeed, I spoke too soon in praising AOL's Netscape 7.01 browser 
>that Seymour Wolfson recommended.  Indeed, I had to go back to their 
>6.2 browser to access this AOL mail.
>I keep getting a "POSTDATA" message when I try to "refresh" my new 
>mail, and am unable to do so.  Any thoughts, Seymour?
>Tim Naegele
I am disappointed that NS 7 is not working right for you.  And I 
haven't any idea how to get it to work.  I basically avoid AOL, but I 
know that is not helpful to you.
I was really hoping AOL would replace their main browser with NS, but 
that does not seem to be happening yet.  If they do, it will all 
start to work again.


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