Can the touchpad button emulate a right-click?

coccolithophorid at coccolithophorid at
Wed Dec 18 09:26:44 PST 2002

right clicking on a pc brings up a window with different 
settings/controls for whatever you clicked on (desktop,start button 
etc.) this is built into the os. On a Mac you access these 
settings/controls differently, either via system prefs or finder prefs 
etc. The right click would not bring up the same in os X as it would in 
windows or even os 9, different operating systems.


I'm the one who wrote the original question, and your interpretation is 
exactly right.
It seems like some of the early replys led astray, indicating that this 
was just a simple issue of a system preferences setting.  However, some 
time has passed since, and all later postings point in the opposite 
direction, so I'm giving up now.


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