[Ti] TiBook sighting - PC Magazine

Carlos Fernando Hernandez nandoz at cln.megared.net.mx
Sat Dec 21 17:26:07 PST 2002

Show it to the world!!!!

> I say this with all the hilarity it invokes in me:
> In the January 2003 issue of PCMagazine, a Powerbook G4 is featured in an ad
> on pages 10 and 11.
> Ok, this is normal.
> For Apple, that is.
> For Gateway, however, it seems a bit odd to have a picture of a Powerbook G4
> entertaining some guy
> with headphones. Guess they liked the design of the PBG4.
> Of course, the thought is that the stock photography was chosen improperly, or
> the graphic
> designer was vengeful, most likely the former.
> John Pariseau

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