[Ti] Help lost firewire drive

Kynan Shook kshook at mac.com
Sat Dec 28 12:16:43 PST 2002

If you don't mind voiding the warranty on the firewire enclosure (if 
it's still under warranty), open it up, remove the hard drive, and plug 
it into a desktop computer.  You should have better success running 
Diskwarrior from there.

And PLEASE keep this in mind in the future (both you and everybody 
else) that you MUST back up anything and everything that you wouldn't 
mind losing at a random time.  I work in a repair shop, and I see lots 
of mechanical failures of hard drives (plus more accidental ones like 
spilled liquids, accidental reformatting, etc.), and I can only 
occasionally recover data for these people; if they want anything 
better, they have to pay around $1500+ to go with a company like 
DriveSavers that can recover just about anything.

ms <mswanson at bignet.net> writes:
> I can't get my Western Digital 100 gig firewire drive to mount.  Disk
> Utility can see the drive but not the volume.   I can't lose what's on
> it so I can't initialize as it asks to.  I just upgraded to 10.2.3
> yesterday and now for the first time in nearly a year with OS X I have
> a disk problem.  I can't get Disk warrior 2.1 or Drive 10 to see it.
> After losing the drive, I also got my first kernel panic.  Can there be
> a connection, how do I fix the directory on the   lost drive?

Kynan Shook
kshook at mac.com

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