[Ti] Upgrade to Jaguar

Erik Gaderlund gaderson at mac.com
Tue Nov 26 18:02:57 PST 2002

At 18:36 -0500 11/26/02, Jay Friedland wrote:
>Not sure if this scenario has been addressed. Direct me if it has.
>I'm planning to upgrade but my main concern is in using standard
>applications, such as Office, filemaker, i-net, etc. to be able to continue
>working should the install hit any snags (i.e., I'm nervous).

Well Office will run, but, it kills your battery life.

>I am using a
>Titanium PB 400 Mhz, with 640 MB memory and 10GB HD, with an external 10 GB
>USB and a 40 GB Firewire Pocket Drives.
>I was planning to load Classic on the Firewire drive and OS 10 on the Ti. As
>the FW drive powers off the Ti, I could travel with both and eventually drop
>Classic without having to reformat the Ti drive. Is this the best strategy?
>I'm cautious, but don't want to be over-cautious or create other problems
>accessing Classic.

Um, Classic will still be on your new 'book, so I guess you could 
make your prefs use the 'Classic' system on your external drive, but, 
I've had few problems running Classic applications in OS X, at least 
not ones that use lots of I/O, (e.g. audio stuff.)
Now, if you are re-formatting the Ti with X then, you'll need to put 
a Classic system on the firewire drive.
But, like running things in Classic your battery will take a 
performance hit, an along with running a firewire drive off the 
battery tool, as Ron notes.

>What other considerations do I face? I would like to do this install over
>T-day weekend for safety.

Getting the OS X native programs--all you mention do have 
Carbon/Cocoa apps avaliable, but, it will cost more money, but, 
everything will run smoother.

erik g

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