Big Al HD swap.

Steve Wozniak steve at
Tue Apr 1 16:59:27 PST 2003

Last week my 80 GB drives came in.

A local dealer got permission from Apple to swap my HD. The technician explained a fair number of screws (12-15?) that had to be removed to access the drive. The swap took only minutes, so it's not extremely hard. The 80 GB drive was thin like the 60 GB one it replaced.

The 80 GB drive (Hitachi Travelstar, 4200 RPM, 1.0 A) is extremely quiet, in the Big Al and in external enclosures. It was thin so I was able to put them in my thin Momobay drive enclosures.

I used Carbon Copy Cloner to clone my old drive to the new. After starting up I noticed that my font selections in Eudora, and Text Color in Stickies, were changed. My Applications folder was a mess - the View arrangement hadn't kept. This surprised me because I had come to expect CCC to be perfect. Maybe not in every case.


Steve  (is tv wake zone?)

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