Computer/Display sleep and external monitor.

Denis DeLaRoca delaroca at
Sun Apr 6 03:18:24 PDT 2003


Previously, putting to sleep an 800Mhz G4 Powerbook with OS X 10.1.5 would
also put an external [VESA compliant] display monitor to sleep, ie., black
out the screen and switch it to low power mode.

The same operation with OS X 10.2.4 and a 15" 1Ghz G4 Powerbook, the
external monitor is not put to sleep fully, ie., it remains in [normal]
full power mode.

Odd thing is that if display sleep is executed as a result of the
programmable display sleep timeout, then the monitor is indeed put to
sleep and does switch to low-power mode.

VESA compliant monitors sleep in low-power mode when either, or both, the
H or V sync signals are turned off. It appears that the computer sleep
command under OS X 10.2.4 *does* not execute the sequence to put the
display to sleep and switch to low-power mode.

Anyone can confirm this and/or shed some light on fixing it?

-- Denis

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