[Ti] is this a TiBook?

Jennifer Landefeld jennsbl at mac.com
Tue Apr 8 11:42:09 PDT 2003

Speaking as one who works in academia (in computer science, even ;-) I 
can attest
to the fact that there are many people working with MS, Intel, IBM and 
others for
collaboration and they have Macs in their labs and sitting on their 
desks to do their
primary work.

OS X is nearly perfect in our environment. *nix at our fingertips, 
standard apps
(ahem, Office) when we need them, alternate apps too (OpenOffice for 
the MS averse).

I just managed to get a G4 tower added to my desk (in the hopes of 
ditching an
old, cranky inherited Win box - blech). Yay! I've been using my 
personal TiBook to
do myriad tasks and avoiding that inherited box whenever possible.



On Tuesday, April 8, 2003, at 01:37  PM, Roger Snyder wrote:
>     Interestingly, from the Human Media Lab at Queen's University in 
> Ontario
> press release:
>     "HML works in collaboration with IBM Almaden Research Center in San
> Jose, and Microsoft Research in Redmond, Washington "
>     But if you go to (the press hi-res pic page):
> http://www.hml.queensu.ca/press.html
> which is on the HML web site and click on eyephone 2 - or go to
>  http://www.hml.queensu.ca/pressPages/eyePHONE2.html
> - you will see the Ti, as you will in the next two pictures. The 
> previous
> picture shows a Apple keyboard (and monitor in the background) and has 
> a
> link to the article that is being written on the Ti in the other 
> pictures.
> -- Roger

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