[Ti] Studio LCD color calibration (OT)

Michael Sherwood msherwood at cwprint.com
Wed Apr 9 20:10:47 PDT 2003

Hi people,
Sorry that I am using this BBS to post this request, but there are 
obviously so many esteemed and informed individuals here that I could 
not resist.
Today I was attempting to calibrate an Apple Studio 17" LCD flat screen 
monitor for a person running Photoshop 6 in OS 9, and I could not 
believe that I had to set the Gamma at 2.3 to even get close to a 
normal brightness on this screen. Repeated tries to dim the monitor via 
control panel and even using Adobe Gamma seemed to not help the 
situation. So....
I switched out this monitor with a different OSX box and things started 
out ok until I opened the classic monitor control panel, and then Zam! 
A completely "Too bright to calibrate" monitor appeared again.
I have calibrated hundreds of monitors to date even on PCs (gasp!) 
without such bizarre results.
Does anyone have any Idea what the heck is going on?
I checked on the Apple Support Expert Database but found nothing useful.
Thanks for any Ideas,


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