According to Frank Wiewandt: > > My dock wasn't affected, but I lost my monitor arrangement settings. >> Other than that, no apparent new difficulties. > >Me too. I thought that was weird. > >Frank Wiewandt In addition to my previously mentioned item, I also had my 'Recent Items' under the blue Apple menu revert from 50 Apps 0 Docs, to 10 Apps 10 Docs. [empty to begin with, of course], and [this was sweet] my installation of Windows 2000 Professional...for VPC 5..vanished from my Documents folder. Ouch. Nice to have an extra 2 GB of drive space, but I'd have rather made that choice, myself. Others will, no doubt, report "No probs", no argument there, but I've seen reports of less-traumatic loss of settings, etc, so the old advice to backup data before installation is sounding wiser by the day. And I would advise those who think all is well [as far as 100% unaffected] to give it all a long second look, as these things don't exactly jump up and 'announce' themselves. ~flipper