[Ti] Apple's future

Bill Reburn reburn at mts.net
Tue Apr 29 20:12:57 PDT 2003

>On 4/29/03 9:03 PM, "b" <galahad9 at earthlink.net> wrote:
> As a paid subscriber, both online and in print, to the Wall Street
> Journal, I can verify this: They have a setup on each and every
> article to print, copy, or email the articles to one or more
> addresses. The only proviso being that copies and distribution be
> 'for personal, non-commercial use only". This list is a
> non-commercial use.
> The Journal is an amazing paper by the way, and in my years here,
> they've never used my info for a single piece of Spam. period
> ~flipper

Sweet, Mr. Naegele - "Cut and Paste" away!
No thievery to be spoken of!

Bill Reburn
Associate Member of the
Society of Graphic Designers of Canada

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