Price per song...

Christopher Murphy chris at
Wed Apr 30 03:10:18 PDT 2003

Dear All,

I have to say I agree with Steve on the price per song issue. There are some
songs that are worth more than others (some that are definitely worth
less!). It all depends on who (and when) you ask; emotional and cultural
baggage; and, in short, a whole host of variables.

Think of a song that has high emotional value to you. Perhaps it reminds
you of a particular time and place. Perhaps it reminds you of a person you
loved - and maybe lost. Perhaps it makes you feel happy, perhaps sad.

The value to me:

Mogwai | R U Still In 2 It? - Priceless

S Club 7 | Don't Stop - Worthless

And I don't doubt there are some out there who'd think vice versa...

Take care,


| """..NOW PLAYING..00.04.2003---||||...
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| XXXX---- FENN'O'BERG | THE MAGIC SOUND OF... --------------------- <>
| XXXX---- PITA | GET OUT ----------- \\
| 0000 \\\\..\\\\  |  info at

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