[Ti] Internet Sharing

Jesse Brown jesse.brown at mac.com
Fri Aug 8 08:31:02 PDT 2003

On 8/8/03 11:22, "David DelMonte" <ddelmonte at mac.com> wrote:

> Jesse, thanks! the configuration is slightly different than you
> describe. The base station is connected to the ISDN Terminal
> Adapter(TA)  through USB, and the base station IP address is in the
> 62.103.x.x. range. Does this mean something different?

I do not think the base station will share an internet  connection through a
USB port - this is most likely your problem.

I believe someone else had a similar problem with a USB connected device on
this or another list I'm on - I can't remember.

Does this T/A have an ethernet port option? If not I think you may be out of
luck with this particular configuration.

"If it be the chief point of friendship to comply with a friends motions and
inclinations, the dog possesses this in eminent degree: he lies down when I
sit and walks when I walk, which is more than many good friends can pretend
to do." -A. Pope

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