John Griffin paused, thought it over, and spoke thusly: > >I just noticed in VT that a new Omniweb is out. Apparently they have thrown >nearly everything in the previous version out and started from scratch. It >now appears to be Safari on Steroids (same engine as Safari but with many >more tools to play with). > >Has anyone tried it? Is it worth it? > >jg Safari on Steroids? Nope, that sounds more like Camino. I've used Omni for some time (as well as Safari and Camino). The latest OmniWeb is 4.5, and it is identical to the 4.5 beta version that I used for months here. I like Omni, a lot. But it is no faster than Safari. As a matter of fact, if you encounter a lot of auto-fill type forms in your web usage, you might find Omni's habit of requiring Command-Shift-F to perform the 'auto-fill' a bit annoying. I do. Camino and Safari auto-fill automatically, as long as you say "OK" when each of them saves the form the first time through. I paid for Omni, and a few other OmniGroup apps, and i have no regrets. Omni has much more flexible Preferences (especially concerning how it presents itself online, Cookies, etc). I like the flexibility. (being able to block cookies from specified sites, accepting cookies till session ends, only, etc). Your mileage may vary. ~flipper P.S. These three browsers tend to play a bit of 'leap-frog' with each other. The newest version of whichever browser usually incorporating the niftiest new feature. However, the next release from one of the others then 'leaps' that one a bit...and so it goes.