[Ti] Range of connection

Robert Ameeti robert at ameeti.net
Wed Aug 27 19:42:47 PDT 2003

>On Monday, August 25, 2003, at 10:10  PM, Michael Bigley wrote:
>>Check the model number on Netgear's website; they should tell you what the "expected" range is. Though at 80 feet my *guess* would be you have a pretty good chance of getting a connection better than dial up.
>The router is brand new, and it's connected to a cable modem, so even if it's half the normal speed, it's 5 times better than what I would have to suffer with for those two days. :-)

I'm thinking that 50 ft may be a problem. Have you thought of getting a 100' Ethernet cable and just running it across the drive? Your speed will be much better.

Every AirPort user should have MacStumbler on their computer. <http://www.macstumbler.com/> This will let you know whether a wireless network is in the area and what strength of signal you can receive. It also advises on the existence of WEP.

Robert Ameeti
mailto:robert at ameeti.net

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