[Ti] Range of connection

Chris Olson chris at astcomm.net
Wed Aug 27 19:44:39 PDT 2003

On Wednesday, August 27, 2003, at 08:58 PM, Michael S. Roels wrote:

> How do you do this on an airport base station? Is this possible with 
> an ABS?

Yes, it is possible.  I believe you scan the network for available 
stations, select one, and then click on the Configure option.  I no 
longer use an Airport Basestation because it didn't have enough range.

I use a Belkin F5D6130 with a homemade directional antenna mounted on a 
45 ft tower.  It's about 3/8 mile between my home and office, and I use 
the wireless link at that range with no problems, and in fact, is how I 
get internet access from my home.  Occasionally I'll get loss of signal 
due to atmospheric conditions - rain or snow is the usual culprit, 
however, right now I can ping the WAP at that range with no packet loss 
sitting at my kitchen table and all bars are lit on the AirPort signal 
strength indicator.  For some unknown reason, if I move to my living 
room where I should get an even better signal due to a large window 
being on the same side as the remote antenna, the signal strength drops 
to two bars and I get ~30% packet loss on a ping.  Maybe wiring in the 
wall or something causes that.

I just use mac filtering because encryption/decryption slows things 
down too much, and I don't transmit any confidential data anyway.  The 
mac filter just keeps others off my network, with which I could provide 
wireless internet access to a pretty large section of the community in 
where I live, if I wanted to.

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