[Ti] Speed-up safari

Jason Tertadian haiku23 at mac.com
Thu Dec 11 17:14:58 PST 2003

On Wednesday, December 10, 2003, at 10:28AM, Daniel Rubinstein <shardaeek at fmail.co.uk> wrote:

>Back in OS X.2 there was a little program that increased the speed of Safari
>for ADSL modems, by changing the size of the packets. I would love to have
>this back now in OS X.3 but don't remember the name of the program. Can
>anyone help please?

The maximum transmission unit (MTU) size is actually a system setting; not a Safari setting.  In 10.2 you could download quite a few shareware apps to set it for you or do it from the command line.  In 10.3 it's now a built-in feature of the Network preference pane.

1) Open up System Preferences and then Network
2) Click the Ethernet tab.  Then pull down the Configure menu and choose "Manually (Advanced.)"

I'd recommend against changing the MTU setting UNLESS your DSL provider uses PPPoE as the connection method.  If they do, set a custom MTU of 1492.

Let me know if this helped.

... jsn

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