[Ti] What a waste ...

Frank Wiewandt fwphoto at adelphia.net
Sat Feb 8 18:19:04 PST 2003

Steve Wozniak writes:

>>> The tower came with a built-in tape drive and a copy of Retrospect. But
Retrospect wasn't compatible with the tape drive it shipped with. <<<

I just really don't understand how this stuff happens. Really. These are
supposed to be smart people doing this, aren't they?

>>> I never got anywhere with either company, so I just bought extra hard disk
drives and backed up manually. I still do to this day. <<<

Personally, I find it troublesome that even someone like you can't get the
attention of these companies. Certainly doesn't give me much hope that they'll
listen to my problems.

I know I can go out & buy a couple firewire drives and back up manually, but I'm
really tired of throwing money at this machine to take care of issues that
should be much simpler IMO. I really don't understand why Dantz & Apple aren't
responsive to problems like this. These products are much less valuable in my
mind without any aparent support. I had really hoped that all the Apple/Mac hype
about being a better way was true. Right now , I'm really not sure. The reason I
went with Apple was FCP. Maybe I should take a better look at Avid & Vegas

Thanks for the reply Steve.


Frank Wiewandt

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