If your computer is new enough that the store you bought it from will take it back, by all means - go for it! What you describe is not a normal condition for a new ANYthing. ms On Sunday, February 9, 2003, at 02:23 PM, Roald Baudoux wrote: > This is very irritating: both under 0S 9 and 0S X, my TiBook won't boot > with the power button. I have to use the "restart" keys combination > (ctrl- > command-power) to have it start and it doesn't even work the first > time. I > have to do this two or three times. the first time i hear the chime > sound > but the computer doesn't start. Also, the old PRAM key combination > (command- > alt-P-R) doesn't seem to work. > > What's the problem? I have tried the hardware test disk and nothing > seems > to be wrong. > > Should I return the computer to the store?