Tiny TinBook: First Impressions

Doffie Rotter doffie.rotter at uconn.edu
Mon Feb 10 08:21:57 PST 2003

Oops--sorry to have to respond to my own post, but it needs amendment.  
Last night I was playing Civilization III and I heard the fan go on.  
Very quiet though, somewhat quieter than the one in my TiBook 800 which 
goes on, I believe, both sooner and more frequently.  I'm hoping this 
means that the switch to aluminum was a good idea.


On Monday, February 10, 2003, at 08:43 AM, Doffie Rotter wrote:

> I don't think it has a fan --- at least I've not read of one.  And if
> it does, I haven't heard it.  Good trade-off for me: a bit too warm but
> quiet as can be, I love that!

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