[Ti] Trash

b flipper at macsrule.com
Mon Feb 10 11:36:46 PST 2003

According to Ted:

>   The easiest work
>around for you if you do not want to wait ... Create a new folder on your
>desktop and copy all of the files that are in your trash to the new folder.
>Then move some of the files back to the Trash and empty the trash and move
>more files to the trash and empty AND repeat process until all files have
>been deleted.
>Hope that helps ...
>On 2/10/03 11:40 AM, "Selwyn Ward" <selwyn.ward at btopenworld.com> wrote:
>>  Apologies if this has come up before but I've not seen the answer to this.
>>  I have an increasingly chockfull trash bin but I can't get my TiPB (500) to
>>  empty it. I am using X1.5
>>  Altho' it seems to start to empty & there is much whirring, the instruction
>>  effectively freezes up the PB and I have to crash to reboot. I have tried
>>  emptying immediately after reboot (so no possibility of anything in the
>>  trash being "in use" but the same thing happens.  Can anyone help?

It's also possible that some of the files or folders contain 'locked' 
items, or their origin was from outside the Home folder. Either case, 
they won't go down without changing their status. The locked files 
have lock images next to their icons, and can easily be unlocked. 
[Cmd-I, deselect 'Locked'].

I've trashed 30 thousand + files and folders at once, in OSX, and it 
takes only long enough for the system to grab the list of files, [we 
see it it 'adding' up the 'files to be deleted'], and then it's 'down 
the hatch.

By the way, OSX boot drives get fragmented also. Fact of life, in 
Practice, theory can say whatever it wishes, but here in the 
trenches, theory doesn't pan out so well.


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