[Ti] Applecare Enrollment?

Tarik Bilgin tarik at opalblue.com
Wed Feb 12 07:58:24 PST 2003

On Wednesday, February 12, 2003, at 04:05  pm, Benn wrote:

> On Wednesday, February 12, 2003, at 07:06  AM, Bill Reburn wrote:
>> Only within the first year. In the US there are several options. Just 
>> do not
>> wait until the last minute. If you buy from Apple I believe it is 
>> enabled
>> right away - if you buy from SmallDog or whoever else - you need to 
>> fill out
>> registration and send it in (so coverage begins in a week or two 
>> after you
>> send that)
> Question about this...
> I bought applecare when I ordered my tibook 1ghz, the applecare 
> shipped, but the machine never did (I later canceled the ordered and 
> plan to get a 17" powerbook).  I don't see how the applecare could be 
> enabled on a machine that never shipped, so I will be able to use this 
> applecare on my new machine, correct?  Anyone know?
> Benn

ok to my knowledge --

Applecare is a product which can be "Activated" against a particular 
serial numbered Apple hardware product.

If you have the Applecare booklet with the "Activation number" inside 
it, I would call Apple and attempt to register it against your new 
machine. Should work unless Apple automatically cancelled the Apple 
care activation code when you cancelled the order on your previous Ti.

Tarik Bilgin
tarik at opalblue.com

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