LimeWire, iTunes & Problems

NaegeleWDC at NaegeleWDC at
Wed Feb 12 15:09:10 PST 2003

Thanks to all for your helpful comments re: LimeWire, iTunes and the iPod. 

A few more issues:

1.  After downloading several songs via LimeWire -- which I had not really used much before yesterday -- I noticed about 50-100 codes that appeared under the "Song Name" listings on iTunes.  I deleted them, and now my iTunes library listing is jumping all over the place (e.g., it goes from a classical album's song to a vocal to . . ., without any rhyme or reason).  I listen to classical music while I work on a brief, and this is very annoying and frustrating.  

By getting songs via LimeWire basic, can others gain access to your computer?  Can the downloading process via LimeWire result in corruptions of iTunes?  Indeed, I only downloaded about eight Billie Holiday songs, and I certainly didn't need problems with iTunes (which has worked flawlessly until now) as a result.

2.  iPod charging.  I know we have dealt with this issue again and again, and I have talked to Apple's techies about it (who are not really very helpful on this subject), but the charge does not last despite resetting it.  One techie told me that I should clean EVERYTHING off the iPod and reset and begin over again.  I have ten years of work on it (which is backed up on disks as well), but that would be an enormous pain.  Anyone had the same problems?

Tim Naegele


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