[Ti] Famous last words dept...

Paul Russell prussell at arc-software.com
Tue Jan 7 13:25:16 PST 2003

>  >At 10:36 -0600 12/24/02, Shawn King wrote:
>>>On 12/23/02 11:06 AM, "Paul Russell" <prussell at arc-software.com> wrote:
>>>>  I'm guessing that they'll be /announced/ at MWSF in Jan, but probably
>>>>  won't be shipping in quantity until Feb or March, as per usual.
>>>Apple will *not* be announcing new PowerBooks at Macworld Expo in SF this
>Damn, that's funny.

Cracked me up too. And it wasn't just some minor speed bump or 
insignificant upgrade - it was the world's most humungous awesomest 
PowerBook ever that apparently Apple did *not* annouce today... ;-)

Damn - I'm going to have to go up to SF one day this week to (a) see 
this new monster and (b) see if I can find Shawn so that I can offer 
to buy him some humble pie in the Moscone Center cafeteria... ;-)


|  Paul Russell      prussell at arc-software.com    |
|  ARC Software Ltd  http://www.arc-software.com  |
|  Santa Cruz, CA                                 |

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