[Ti] Happy 1 Ghz Powerbook users! - I am

Kynan Shook kshook at mac.com
Wed Jan 8 08:28:26 PST 2003

How about because of the fact that they promised Quark there would be 
some good-quality OS-9 bootable Macs available in 2003 until they got 
their rear in gear to release Quark on OS X?  I expect a similar thing 
to happen with the G4 towers at some point, probably keeping the Dual 
1.25 GHz around, while creating some new OS X-only machines to improve 
the line for those of us that can stick to just OS X.

John Griffin <jwegriffin at mac.com> writes:
> I stand by my claim that the release of the 1 Ghz 15" Powerbooks was a 
> way
> of reducing Titanium PB parts inventory - pure and simple. Why else 
> would
> they do this with the 17" Aluminium Powerbook waiting in the wings?

Kynan Shook
kshook at mac.com

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