[Ti] Safari Dagger/Calendar Apps

~flipper flipper at macsrule.com
Thu Jan 9 09:59:44 PST 2003

Victor Eijkhout offered:

>>I wonder how Omnigroup, Mozilla, Opera feel about new safari.
>>I seems that it is kind of a slap in the face for the companies 
>>that worked on X browsers.
>The same thing came up with iCal. When that came out I tried, found 
>it rather simple and really slow, so I tried a couple of commerical 
>alternatives. If they had been better I would have bought one, but 
>Chronos Organiser was missing some very essential features and Now 
>UpToDate decided to corrupt my files on the day that I was about to 
>register it.
>I guess iCal hooked me on the calendar concept, and I would have 
>shelled out the money if there had been somehting that was better 
>and compatible with iCal.

I really prefer CalendarX from WunderMoosen, over the iCal. Those 
super-light pastel-clored 'highlights' in iCal are annoying, and 
unreadable over here, unless individually selected.

WunderMoosen's calendar is terrific. OSX-only



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