[Ti] Here's your challenge...

Arne Halbakken 1stluth at smig.net
Sun Jan 19 19:00:12 PST 2003

>Date: Sat, 18 Jan 2003 00:17:57 -0600
>Subject: Re: [Ti] Here's your challenge...
>From: Shawn King <shawn at yourmaclife.com>
>On 1/17/03 3:27 PM, "Michael Bigley" <wakinyan at fuse.net> wrote:
>  >> It's all word of mouth.  If we don't do it, who will?
>  >
>  > What you describe sounds like the old Evangelista list.
>And a little like the present MacMarines:

I agree that Sarge does a good job with MacMarines.

>  >  It was
>  > moderated by Guy Kawasaki and run by Apple. When Guy left Apple they
>  > did not replace him (AFAIK), but the list went away.
>No, it didn't - but it should have.
>It was taken over by Shane Anderson who has destroyed the original purpose
>of the list by turning it into his own little profit center.

In spite of people's opinions of Shane in what he may or may not have 
done personally, MacEvangelist is still a good list. 
<http://www.MacEvangeList.com> It is not as active as this list. But 
there are some very competent members and Mac experts on the list.

The focus may have changed since Guy had the list - I wasn't on it 
then. But the list still serves a good purpose in promoting Macs and 
in dealing with problems on Macs.

I appreciate the MacEvangelist.

Arne Halbakken

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