At 9:11 AM -0600 2003.01.20, Loren Schooley wrote: >Kinda sad to see Mitnick getting his first peek at the new corporate Net on >Tuesday (and on Wednesday his first SPAM no doubt ;-) >Where you going to take him, Woz? Does he have a Ti? I'm sure he will not be >using a Sun :-) I imagine that if Macintosh had enough market share, it would be more of a 'target'. I was prepared to sell a TiBook to Kevin's girlfriend, but I loaned it to a friend in the hospital and never got it back. I hear that she's getting a TiBook from another friend. Darci did work at TechTV. I'll check Kevin out, but he uses a PC currently so it may not be an easy 'switch'. -- Regards, Steve (is tv wake zone?)