[Ti] best e-mail program

Gary Mark gmark at cogeco.ca
Thu Jan 23 12:16:05 PST 2003

On Thursday, January 23, 2003, at 08:26  AM, Steve Wozniak 
<steve at woz.org> wrote:

> CyberDog (and PowerMail) use Apple's VTWN (?) technology


Interesting that you mentioned this.  Maybe you were already gone from 
Apple by then, but Apple copied this technology from a company called 
SoftArc, which IMHO produces the BEST email/messaging server around 
called FirstClass.

I know plenty of MUGs that use or used FirstClass to set-up BBS' (even 
Berkeley MUG) way back when.  Nevertheless, this software still exists 
(an OS X server is coming soon), and I think the world would be a better 
place if we all used this mac-friendly email server (now on version 6.0).

Skølcom in Denmark is running a single FirstClass server for 500,000 
users and one administrator -> how many MS Exchange servers and admins 
would be needed to match this feat? FirstClass is multi-platform from 
Telnet, Unix to Windows and web.  The latest version can incorporate 
voicemail for unified messaging and can make webpages on the fly - it's 
amazing software.

I've been expecting Apple to buyout FirstClass for long time now since 
its been a key mac application in the education space (both k-12 and 
higher ed). Almost everyone in Maine is using FirstClass (UMaine and 
Maine iBook purchase).

Who's using FirstClass now on this list?


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